Friday, May 29, 2020

How to Grow Your Network in Two Weeks Building Your Future Now

How to Grow Your Network in Two Weeks Building Your Future Now Meeting people and building your network is easier than you think! First off, design and print at least 500 business cardsit can be simple and nothing fancy. This is your ultimate marketing tool when you contact with other professionals. Meeting people You dont have to go far to start building your network. Give your businesses card to people you meetat doctor or dentist offices, libraries or the local coffee shop. Remember to say good morning to people and be polite. There are opportunities everywhere around you to build and grow your network. Facebook Join Facebook groups and add people to your network. Open lines of communication by offering to help outanswer questions for example. Always ask if you connect on other social media platforms. LinkedIn Try to connect with professionals in your area and close urban areas. Offer to answer any of their questions (if they have any) and share useful content. Make it a habit to send out personal connection requests and dont be scared to ask for referrals. Two weeks and beyond Try these quick tips to build your network for the next little while. Make it a habit and before you have a strong and useful network that can help you in many ways including finding a job! Image: rawpixel

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